An easy and delicious cake, also known as Earthquake Cake. Coconut and pecans are baked under a German chocolate cake mix, with a cream cheese mixture...
Love Macaroon Cookies? You'll love this recipe for chocolate cake with macaroon in the center! Melted chocolate can be drizzled on top, or sprinkle top...
If you like sinful desserts, then this is for you. My husband just loves this cake and cannot get enough of it. You may use pecans instead of walnuts if...
Perfect cupcakes to add to your lunch box. Very buttery with a yummy coconut and walnut topping. These never last more than an hour when I take them for...
Perfect cupcakes to add to your lunch box. Very buttery with a yummy coconut and walnut topping. These never last more than an hour when I take them for...
Perfect cupcakes to add to your lunch box. Very buttery with a yummy coconut and walnut topping. These never last more than an hour when I take them for...
Perfect cupcakes to add to your lunch box. Very buttery with a yummy coconut and walnut topping. These never last more than an hour when I take them for...
Perfect cupcakes to add to your lunch box. Very buttery with a yummy coconut and walnut topping. These never last more than an hour when I take them for...
This simple coconut cake recipe is a white cake soaked in sweet, creamy coconut milk and smothered in whipped topping and flaked coconut - a real treat...
This simple coconut cake recipe is a white cake soaked in sweet, creamy coconut milk and smothered in whipped topping and flaked coconut - a real treat...
Perfect cupcakes to add to your lunch box. Very buttery with a yummy coconut and walnut topping. These never last more than an hour when I take them for...